Nicolas Humphrey

How did consciousness evolve? - with Nicholas Humphrey

Nicholas Humphrey - Why Did Consciousness Emerge?

Nicolas Humphrey - Is Consciousness an Illusion?

Nicholas Humphrey - The Mind-Body Problem

Nicolas Humphrey - Do Persons Have Souls?

#242 Nicholas Humphrey: The Psychology Of Consciousness And Intelligence

Nicholas Humphrey - How Humans Differ from Other Animals

The Psychology of Placebos – Professor Nicholas Humphrey

Ask Nicholas Humphrey about Consciousness

Nicholas Humphrey - Does Evolutionary Psychology Explain Mind?

Nicholas Humphrey - Evolving Sentience

Nicholas Humphrey - Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing?

The Magic of Consciousness

Consciousness Q&A with Nicholas Humphrey

Prof. Nicholas Humphrey on Blindsight and consciousness

Nicholas Humphrey at Moscow University - The Invention of Сonsciousness

Interview with Nicholas Humphrey in Greenland / Интервью с Николасом Хамфри в Гренландии

Could Chat GPT ever become sentient? #ai

Unraveling free will with a psychologist's theory. Mind-blowing or mind-blinking? 🤯?...

Four Minutes to Midnight

POV: you’re 6’9” 400 pounds and booked the middle seat

TSC 2019 Plen 7 - Interlaken

Bk Pres Sec 6

'Well maybe you should go also Jeff...' - Charlie Nicholas' amazing banter